“Hurt people hurt people.”

She looked up at him. “What do you mean by that?”
Her younger brother shrugged. “Just something I once read. That when people are hurting, they have great capacity to hurt others, unintentionally of course. Maybe you’re dealing with a hurt person.”

Warda sighed. “That’s no excuse, Ibby.”

“Yes it is. I bet all this doesn’t even have much to do with you. People come with baggage, Warda. They’re hurting so they don’t see or even feel the pains their actions cause because they’re so caught up in their own sorrow. Some people think the world owes them something, and others are dancing on the other side of the spectrum, in complete despair.”

“I don’t owe him anything, definitely not after this.” She refused to soften.

“You owe him a little bit of compassion and some understanding. Basic human nature dictates so. Don’t we all commit certain crimes in the midst of our anguish? Even if it’s simply ignoring our loved ones, or taking them for granted as we fire our flames in their faces? Give him time. His pain will pass and his senses will soon stabilise. It always does in the hearts of the free.”