As-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah

Wow, how incredible masha’Allah! This book of du’as that you see above, was gifted to a friend of mine. Please read the story behind it:

“…I stumbled across this selection of Duas that had been gifted to my husband and me when we lived in Istanbul. When the brother gave it I thought it was a beautiful gesture in itself, to guide us and give us a reminder to ask Allah by way of these Prophetic Duas. I folded it away and put it to the side, the brother then said to us “That’s hand written.” I was amazed and re-opened it, Subhan Allah, so perfect! Could it really be written by hand? I looked for any slight error, slight bump in the smoothness of the each line and curve. Mashallah, there were none to be found. “That’s not all”, he said, “this was written by a sister who had learned and received ijazah in the art of calligraphy. She then tragically lost her right arm in a terrible accident. She felt such sadness without her ability to write that she decided to go back and learn again with her left hand. She strove and worked hard and that there in your hands is what she achieved with her left hand.”

Allahu Akbar! It is one of the most inspiring stories and most treasured item I have. That great things can be achieved, that loss is only as stifling as we allow it to be, that work and learning in the path of Allah is made easy and facilitated by Him so always aim high. I never met this sister, I don’t even know her name but this sheet of paper with her hand written Duas lifts me every time I cross paths with it alhamdulilah.”

Yes, you can all wipe that tear away now and make a special du’a for this inspiring sister (and also my friend who shared the picture and story).