It starts with a vision

Leave your personal touch on this world…

Carve Your Legacy
From the depths of Qur’an

Every time I’m asked what this course is exactly about, I find myself pausing and trying to figure out the best way to describe it. It’s not like any course I’ve ever done or even attended myself throughout the years. I guess it’s a combination of inspiration, reflection, and practical change, but with the running theme of Qur’an and carpentry behind it (yes, carpentry).

When Umm Raiyaan and myself initially came together to jot down our aims for the course, we wanted to make it something intimate, refreshing, and also touching. See, whatever we do in life, it has to have an element of ‘taqarrub‘ within it – it must draw you closer to Allah, and really that was the main overriding objective. Thus ‘Carve Your Legacy’ was born…

In this course, you’ll traverse through the themes and scenes of Qur’an; delving into the language, the beautiful stories like that of Yusuf, and using the deep Qur’anic verses to carve a path for yourself through life. You’ll be taken through concepts and principles of life, learn to let go and propel forward. You’ll be given tools to help you dream for the very salvation of your soul and then go out to achieve those dreams. You’ll come to know all about Time.

We first ran this course in London, 3 months ago, and it was attended by more than 90 sisters alhamdulillah. Because of the build-up of topics, reflections, case-studies, and just simply the remembrance of Allah, there wasn’t a single dry eye at the end of the day. I personally never cry in public, but in the end I burst into tears myself.

This is a course I highly recommend to all sisters. For those in the Midlands, we are running the course in Birmingham (please attend live as it’s more beneficial). And for those outside of the UK, there is a 6-week version of the course. Details below:

March 12th-13th 2016
8:30am – 5pm
Joseph Chamberlain Sports Hall (Conference room), Belgrave Road, B12 9FF

March 17th – April 24th 2016
Every Thursday and Sunday
9pm – 10:30pm

To register or for more details, please visit:

Hope to see some of you sisters there insha’Allah! Wa billahi-tawfiq 🙂